Myths and Facts About Solar Panels.

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Using solar power is the step towards sustainable development and is the most common used sustainable energy solution instead of those non-sustainable energy resources. But with every new thing, there are also some myths about the same because of lack of understanding of how these panels will work. The core aim of this article is to give a clearer vision of the solar energy resources to the readers, make decisions for the same and embrace its benefits for the betterment of themselves.

  • Myth: solar panels don’t work in cloudy weather or cold climate.

Considering the above myth, it is not true. Basically, solar panels can generate electricity even in cloudy or cold climates. It is true that direct sunlight maximizes its efficiency, and solar panels can produce energy in diffused sunlight. The work of solar panels is designed in such a way that they work based on the absorption of light, not heat, making them effective even in cooler regions.

  • Myth: The installation of solar panels is too expensive and not cost-effective

The myth about installation and cost efficiency is not the truth. While the installation can demand an upfront investment, the cost has significantly decreased in the past few years. Moreover, this is a long-term cost saving by reducing or eliminating monthly utility bills. Many financing options and government incentives further enhance the affordability of solar instalments.

  • Myth: Solar panels are high maintenance 

The high maintenance is not the truth and keeps people in illusion, but the fact is that at the time of instalment it requires a certain cost, but the maintenance for the same is really low-key. As they are designed to be durable and require minimal requirements. The tempered glass which is used to make the solar panels withstand various weather conditions. The lowest maintenance, such as cleaning the top tempered glass and occasional inspection, can optimize performance.

  • Myth: Deteriorate the house’s design and will create problems at the time of reselling

In today’s modern times, the appearance of the house is the most important thing for everyone now, so switching to the solar panels will deteriorate the image of the house is the common fear among people.

This is not at all true, because the designs of the solar panels are in such a way that they put a clean, sleek image into the house, they also give a seamless appearance to the modern design of houses. The stressed out the fact that the house can not be resold as the value of your space wherever you get the solar panels installed. They will increase the property value of that place and hence, it is a point of profit for the people.

  • Myth: When we are using clean coal, why switch to solar energy?

We cannot consider coal as a clean energy as it produces the ashes after burning and also releases greenhouse gases at the time of burning. This source of energy is harming the environment. Basically, it is totally a waste of time and energy to invest in coal energy. Switching to solar energy benefits the future generation.

  • Myth: Solar panels are harmful for the atmosphere after time it is used.

The lifetime of a solar panel is somewhere from 20 to 25 years anywhere, after that they are recycled. This solely depends on how the manufacturer is manufacturing the solar panel. Additionally, some manufacturers come up with the facility of recycling it for free of cost.

  • Myth: Solar panels cannot be installed in areas with high air pollution.

Solar panels are able to produce energy in the areas where there is high air pollution. Although the dust particles will stick on the panels, it does not render them ineffective. The solution for that is regular cleaning and maintaining the solar panels.

  • Myth: Solar panel instalment will cause roof damage

When the solar panels are installed correctly by a team of expert professionals, they will not damage the roof. Also, they will provide additional support and protection by shielding the roof from various elements, such as reducing exposure to direct sunlight, & extending its lifespan.

To conclude, we can say that these widespread myths and misconceptions are stopping people from adopting solar energy. By giving correct information, we can allay worries and emphasis the advantages of solar energy, and also promote well-informed choices. Solar energy is an independent, affordable and sustainable energy source that can help to create a more environmental friendly future. By adopting the solar panels of Oswal Solar Structures, you can join us on the journey towards a cleaner, greener and safer environment. This will make a more sustainable environment and also take a step forward for creating a bright future.

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